CeDRI: Technology and innovation in our DIH
The Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI) has become a new member of our Digital Innovation Hub. They have become a part of our team to contribute their ideas, experience and knowledge, on these very important areas, for the implementation of new technologies in businesses.
The members of the CeDRI research center include electronics specialists, computer scientists and mathematicians. They develop technology related products and services. They also have several laboratories designated for research in the following fields:
- Embedded industrial and cybernetic physical system.
- Intelligent systems and analytics
- Intelligent and collaborative Robotic Systems
- Modeling simulation and optimitation for decision support
Their key goal is to work in favour of quality research that will contribute to the development of robotics or information technologies. In their laboratories they gather PhD students, researchers in different areas and young people interested in learning and contributing to some of the projects.
All the disciplines that CeDRI specializes in, fit perfectly with the objective of our hub to develop and implement tools that will support SMEs in their digital transformation process. We are sure that, CeDRI, as our new member, will contribute greatly to the projects we’re doing.