DIGIS3 selected as European Digital Innovation Hubs
Our partner DIGIS3 becomes a benchmark for digital innovation in Castilla y León, thanks to the approval of the proposal submitted on 22 February 2022, to become a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH).
This is excellent news for Castilla y León, given the relevance of having an EDIH in the region. On 16 June, the European Commission selected DIGIS3 as a candidate to join the European Network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH).
The consortium formed by the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León (ICE), DIHBU, DIH-LEAF, Castilla y León Supercomputing Centre Foundation (SCAYLE) and the University of León (ULE) and it is led by AIR Institute. The consortium will have a budget of €3,447,000 to promote digitalisation in the region over the next three years. The obtained economic resources will allow for the integration and centralisation of techniques for the digital transformation of SMEs and public administrations.
It is an integrated project in which all the technological agents of Castilla y León, who wanted to be part of the proposal, have been involved. Currently, this consortium is made up of three fully operational Digital Innovation Hubs: IoT DIH, coordinated by AIR Institute and specialised in the Internet of Things; DIHBU, focused on Industry 4.0 and DIH-LEAF focused on the primary sector, in addition to the University of León, the Supercomputing Centre of Castilla y León (SCAYLE) and ICE. These DIHs and public bodies have joined forces to form a larger, more powerful entity, capable of offering a greater impact on the regional economy.
DIGIS3 will be one of the few Spanish Digital Innovation Centres that, in addition to obtaining the seal of excellence, will be directly financed by European funds, which makes it a benchmark of quality in the international innovation ecosystem.