Last weeks to apply for the open call for experiments 2

Last weeks to apply for the open call for experiments 2

DIH-World aims to accelerate the uptake of advanced digital technologies by European manufacturing SMEs in all sectors by supporting them in building sustainable competitive advantages and reaching global markets. DIH-World strengthens the capacities of regional DIHs, particularly in underrepresented regions across Europe.

As intermediaries of successful local SME digital transformation, DIH-World aims at providing DIHs, access to harmonised tools, well proven technologies, effective methodologies, sound knowledge, smart investment sources, rich training assets and overall, a vibrant innovation environment.

The final aim is to accelerate the matureness of DIHs and the development of their collaboration capabilities, and avoid a DIH divide due to lack of access to technologies, skills, networks, investment and infrastructures with special emphasis in underrepresented regions; so they can capitalise and leverage on the European DIHs Networks their resources and facilities for the benefit of their local SMEs.

What technologies can you apply in experiments?

The innovative experiments are open to any of the following technologies, as far as they contribute to boost the digitalisation level of the participating SMEs:

Smart modelling; Robotics; Internet of Things; Cyber Physical Systems; 3D Printing; Data analytics; Artificial Intelligence; Cloud technologies; High Performance Computing; Laser technologies; Cognitive Autonomous Systems; Human-robot interaction; Cybersecurity; Sensors.

Important dates

Launch of the call 04/04/2022

Deadline to submit proposals 28/06/2022 at 13h00 (CET)

Evaluation and selection   29/06/2022 – 31/08/2022

Contract’s signature September 2022

Experiment starting month October 2022


Evaluation and Selection

The proposals received will go through the following evaluation process:

Haven't submitted your proposal yet? Find more information here.


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