Sustainability of Agenda 2030 in Spanish cities.

Sustainability of Agenda 2030 in Spanish cities.

Deutsche Telekom's digital services affiliate, T-Systems, has studied the degree of development that Spanish cities must reach by 2020 in order to be considered smart cities.

In the course of Agenda 2030, smart cities must place the citizen at the centre of the urban development strategy, generating models of smart tourism and solving mobility problems through sustainable and environmentally friendly strategies.

The most important sustainability challenges are related to mobility, consumption habits and the use of leisure time. To give solutions to these challenges we must use technologies such as IoT, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence and we must study the latest advances in cyber security.

One of the biggest challenges for smart cities in 2020 will undoubtedly be the development of sustainable tourism models. It must be possible to foster tourism and to achieve high rates of development without causing damage to local residents. To this end, the application of clean technologies, IoT technology and Big Data analysis is fundamental.

Solutions such as Smart Air Quality Monitoring provide information on air quality, whereas Smart Lighting and Smart Waste optimise energy efficiency and consumption, allowing municipalities to reduce costs.

Our mission at IoT DIH is to help companies access a greater number of technological resources, allowing them to make the most of their energy while reducing pollution rates and helping them meet the challenges of Agenda 2030.

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